That Chickpea

that chickpea branding

the organization & project description

Jenna was looking to take her vegan food brand to the next level. After building a small following on Instagram, it was time to invest in a brand strategy and launch a blog.

With some solid ideas in mind, and some pretty solid pre-existing variables to incorporate (read: font choices) - we were able to bring That Chickpea to life in the form of an adorable icon paired with customized type complete with an additional tiny little chickpea.

For the new blog, Jenna wanted to use Wordpress, so we created a beautiful website design and brought it to life using Show It - our favourite Wordpress builder.

A light beige tea towel with that chickpea's pattern printed on it. The pattern includes illustrated tofu, matcha, garlic, red onion, chickpeas, avocados and tiny little diamond and chickpea doodles.
A pattern swatch of that chickpea's branded chickpea icon. it's a line drawing of a chickpea with a little leaf, cute little eyelashes and a tiny little smile. The pattern is made up of big versions of this doodle as well as little ones.

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